Sunday, June 11, 2006

Cincinnati Sunday with Lauren

The Krohn Conservatory is having their annual butterfly show. The deal is $6 to watch a horde of screaming kids pointing at butterflies and their parents hoisting them up in the hopes that a butterfly will land on them and make a good picture. The difference in oxygen levels between the jungle room of the conservatory and the room full of butterflies was palpable, but it was worth it just to see the atlas moth. Atlas moths are huge. A blooming Bonzai. Aglamesis' "French Quarter Petite" sundae is almost as big as an atlas moth but it tastes a lot better. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 04, 2006

More Gorge Pictures

Playing with fire Pink mountain laurel Millipede Fire

Red River Gorge with Neil

Neil and I took a trip down to Red River Gorge this week as a respite from our various responsibilities. Despite the heat and humidity it was refreshing and a good time. We grilled some great pork, hiked around, talked, played with fire. Unfortunately we missed the Rhododendrons blooming by a week or so, but the mountain laurel was still around and gorgeous. Mountain laurel by the trail Neil under Gray's Arch The Red River Girls swimming in the Red River
